Many people enjoy the thought or the notion of working from home full time while making a salary that can replace their current income from their job outside the home. Why now? Why are people so interested in starting their own business at home at this point in time and what’s the attraction in doing so?
The main reason there are so many of us who want to quit our day jobs, if we’re lucky enough to have them, and work from home is because of the current economic conditions not only here in North America but globally as well.
There are so many people who are worried about losing the income they’ve already established over the years because of cutbacks by companies who are trying to save money in order to survive and because of downturns in the economy that they would rather have a secondary source already in place instead of waiting until it’s too late, after their full-time position disappears.
There are several reasons why creating your own income is so tempting these days beginning with the fact that you won’t be dependent on anyone else or on some entity to provide money for you and your family in return for your efforts. This creates a much less stressful situation for you because any money you earn will go directly into your pocket and won’t be divided several ways between you and your employer and your co-workers.
This sense of independence also gives you a feeling of freedom by knowing you can set your own work hours and work as much or as little as you want on any given day. Of course the more effort you put in the more money you will earn, so this incentive usually wins out when you’re deciding how much time to devote on any given day. However, just knowing the choice is yours creates a sense of now being able to do what you want when you feel like it and without someone else’s approval.
You’re no longer tied to a time clock and you no longer have to answer to a boss who tells you what to do and when to do it and how often. You set your own rules and your own hours. Along with this sense of freedom comes a sense of duty to be more disciplined than ever before because you don’t have a supervisor looking over your shoulder making sure you work your 8 hours you must supervise yourself which I guess is what is meant by being your own boss.
Having your own home based business also means no more rush hour traffic, no more commuting in the winter, no more buses or subways and no more worries about arriving late. When you get your home venture where you want it to be financially speaking, especially if it’s an Internet based endeavor, you can take some time away from your enterprise when you would normally not even consider doing so with a regular 9 to 5 job.
There are also several financial advantages to owning your own home business including the income tax write-offs you can claim because you’re working out of your own house or apartment. With the price of gas increasing almost on a daily basis the savings absorbed by not having to drive back and forth to work every day could be astronomical when calculated on a yearly time period.
The savings accrued by not eating out at lunch time on a regular basis and by not having to take the bus or subway every day, if you do so, could be very lucrative when averaged over a 12 month period. So it isn’t difficult to see why so many people are gravitating toward the idea of starting a home based business and replacing their current job with a new endeavor where they’re the boss.