If you’re looking for a way to make money from home online then you should look into providing your opinion on various topics and products on the web for cash or more simply put look into paid online surveys. Companies dedicate a large portion of their marketing budget every year toward understanding what consumers think and what their attitudes are about certain products and topics and they’re willing to pay for this information.
The three most popular paid surveys on the Internet today, in random order, are:
1. First of all, focus groups which are, according to business dictionary online: “Small number of people (usually between 4 and 15,) but typically brought together with a moderator to focus on a specific product or topic. Focus groups aim at a discussion instead of on individual responses to formal questions, and produce qualitative data (preferences and beliefs) that may or may not be representative of the general population.”
Typically these forums pay the most for your opinion and participation and you can earn anywhere from $20.00-$200.00 for your involvement. The two main reasons corporations are willing to pay so well for your input is they’re always looking for an advantage over the competition and by getting into mindset of the general public they find out what’s important to them and what they really want in their product or service. Also these discussions are usually more time consuming then your typical question and answer survey so the company pays accordingly.
Focus groups are usually run by a moderator who initiates discussion of a particular topic and data is gathered from the active give and take between members. Information is garnered not only on what the participants think but why they think that way. This atmosphere allows the company to collect a lot of information in a short time and these discussions can be heated at times and participation can be interesting and a lot of fun.
2. Paid online surveys are a more typical information gathering experience, comparable to their offline cousin, whereby the consumer answers specific questions and offers their opinion on a particular product or topic and are then reimbursed for their answers. Usually you fill out a form on the Internet and hit the submit button when completed. These surveys will pay anywhere from $5.00 to $75.00 for your participation and can take from 5 minutes to 30 minutes to complete.
3. Mystery shopping is probably the most interesting and most enjoyable survey in which you can participate. With this technique people are paid to go shopping at a mall, eat at a restaurant, go to the movies and even stay at a hotel or motel and offer their opinions afterwards by way of filling out a questionnaire. For the mystery shopping experience you can be reimbursed anywhere from $15.00 t0 $50.00 for each venture and at times you may be allowed to keep the merchandise you purchase.
There are many survey directory websites online you can research but be sure the companies you sign up with are legitimate and pay in a timely manner. Paid surveys can be a lucrative, interesting and enjoyable home business opportunity and is well worth investigating.