A great Internet marketing technique you can use to drive traffic to your home business website and to capture visitor contact information to help build your email list is to add free stuff to your home page. You can also insure return traffic by adding new free gifts each month. Remember, the more often a potential customer visits your website the more likely they are to become a paying customer.
There are several ways you can acquire free stuff to add to your home business site. One way is to create it yourself. It’s best to tailor your free gifts to reflect what your home business is all about. For example if you’re into affiliate marketing you can write an e-book or several e-books on different affiliate marketing topics and offer one or more free of charge if your visitors sign up for your monthly newsletter.
You can also create an affiliate marketing training course on video or audio and offer it free if people agree to sign up for a 30 day free trial of your product or service. There are also many software product creation tools available online you can use to create different products to offer free or to sell on your home business web page. There’s no end to the products you can create yourself if you let your imagination and the Internet search engines run wild.
Another method for finding complementary offerings is to conduct a search for the different websites online who offer free stuff for you and your website. You can conduct a specific search by typing free followed by the item you’re looking for or for a more general search just type free stuff in the search engine. You should be careful before downloading their merchandise and read the “terms and conditions” to make sure there aren’t any outrageous conditions attached.
Another technique for Internet marketers and affiliate marketers to use is to offer other marketer’s free products free of charge on their site for having their link attached and for agreeing not to sell the items or take credit for creation of the merchandise. There are many Internet marketer’s on the Web who will gladly make this offer available in order to create back links to their online home business.
By using one or all three of these methods to find and add gifts to your home business page you are virtually guaranteeing a stream of new traffic which will help build your email list and increase sales for your enterprise.