Continuing with our series on how to attract free website traffic we’ll look at four additional internet marketing techniques which will draw free targeted visitors to your home business website.
The first internet marketing strategy we’ll look at is the use of keyword lists. For the uninitiated, keywords are words that are used to search information in search engines that refer to a specific topic. When you search for information using a Keyword, the search engines look for all the indexed pages in the database containing the specific word or words you’re searching for. For example if your website is dedicated to home business opportunities then you would want your site to contain the most searched keywords relating to home business opportunities as identified by the major search engines.
When creating your keyword list it would be helpful to use the free keyword research tool from Google. After downloading the tool enter your primary keyword which would be in our case, home business or earn money at home, and so on. When you click on Get Keyword Ideas you will get results of 50, 100 and 150 words. You can also discover how often a keyword is being searched on Google. Using these keywords and phrases in your blogs, articles and web pages will help make your home business website more attractive to the search engines and will result in increased traffic for your home page with the best part being it’s free.
The next internet marketing technique you can use to drive free traffic to your home business is submit your blog to some of the top blog directories. Submitting your blog to popular directories will increase your free targeted traffic and increase your page ranking. You can come up with a list of some of the most popular blog directories by conducting a Google search and the process of submitting your blog is very straight forward and is explained on the various directories. This is a very simple way to draw a horde of new visitors to your business opportunity.
Another way to attract potential customers to your business page is set up a social marker account and bookmark a blog post. By setting up an account at you will be able to use this free service to bookmark your blog posts with many different social bookmarking sites at the same time. Google holds these social sites in high esteem so placing links to these sites will help your overall backlink campaign and search engine rankings. Registering at the first time around and choosing which sites to bookmark may take a little time but it will be much faster for future posts.
A final internet marketing technique you can use to help drive traffic is visit various article directories and set up your profile making sure you have included information about yourself and a link to your website. This is another great way to attract new people to your site because after reading your article they may want to learn more about you and by having a link to your website in your profile it’s almost a natural progression for them to visit your site.
These are four more great ways to drive free targeted traffic to your home business website. Using only one or all four of these methods in conjunction with your internet marketing plan should guarantee many more visitors to your home business page.
Bob Withers
Hey just thought i would say something.. This is the third time that I’ve visited your blog in the last 3 weeks hunting for completely unrelated things. Spooky or what?