Most people enter the Internet marketing fray under the mistaken belief that success will happen much sooner rather than later. They believe the hype and empty promises made by some unscrupulous business people online that they can earn tens of thousands of dollars per month in a very short time with little or no effort on their part. Wouldn’t that be amazing?
However, as I’m sure most of you have realized by now, either the hard way by investing your hard earned money with these con artists only to be disappointed when learning the truth and having lost your investment or you’ve heard the real story from someone who has been there and know what they’re talking about, which is, it takes hard work and dedication to succeed with any home business opportunity online just as it does with any offline endeavor.
To make it on the Internet you first of all need a strong reason why. Your reason why is something you may have a difficult time determining or it may come to you in a flash. This reason isn’t something as simple as you may think it is. For example, it isn’t just because you need some extra money to pay the bills or because you want to be a millionaire. It’s something that’s more deeply rooted within your psychic and is a raison d’être that motivates you beyond your wildest dreams.
This reason keeps you moving forward in the face of adversity when the easy thing would be to quit and move on to something else. But once you determine your reason why you’ve overcome the first hurdle on the road to success on the web.
Next, you have to have a plan outlining your goals on a daily, weekly, monthly and long term basis. You should have a schedule of duties you must complete for each day and at the end of your work day check off all these accomplishments and reward yourself in some way for maintaining your focus and achieving your objectives.
Your long range plan should outline where you want to be 6 months from now, 12 months from now and two years from the present day. You should also review your goals on a regular basis and chart your progress toward reaching your financial objectives.
You must approach your new home business as you would any new job. This is your livelihood and you should treat it as such by dedicating your time and effort while in your home office toward achieving the goals you’ve set for yourself and toward making the money you need to help your enterprise become a financially viable entity on the web.
Working from home is the dream for many people but when you actually attempt it you must have the discipline necessary to treat your work day as just that, a work day. You must avoid all the temptations and distractions that come with working from home such as the television, your family and friends, your home telephone and of course the sunny days and warm weather which makes the idea of taking a day off sometimes too difficult to resist.
However, you must focus on the task at hand by reminding yourself of your reason why on a daily basis and more often if necessary, as well as remembering this is how you pay the mortgage and support your family and isn’t just a hobby or a pastime but is something you must take very seriously.
Persistence is the key to success with any endeavor even when the going gets tough and you feel as though you’re just spinning your wheels you must persevere and do the things, on a daily basis, necessary to get your venture where you want it to be.
Consistency is also a primary requisite for any new business start-up. You must dedicate the time and effort each and every day by performing the tasks necessary to succeed over and over again until you begin to see the fruits of your labor. And when you start seeing the results you will realize just how much all the hard work was worth in the end.
In the beginning you will have to make sacrifices, such as giving up your favorite TV show or forfeiting time out with your friends or maybe even foregoing time with your family, in order to build your home business and continue to make it grow until you feel comfortable taking the time you need for your other daily activities.
If I were asked to create a formula for home business success online I would have to state the equation something like this: Persistence + perseverance + consistency + sacrifice = financial success and the freedom we’re all striving for in our daily lives.