A very effective traditional offline marketing technique you can use to advertise your online business is magazine advertising. Magazine advertising can be very effective since the audience is usually pre-qualified. In other words, if you are advertising for a home based business opportunity you would put your ad in a home based business magazine. Therefore, everyone that sees your ad is “qualified”.
Also, most people buy magazines from news stands, which indicate they are interested and willing to spend money. There are multiple ways you can advertise in a magazine such as a full page, half page, or quarter page ad. You can also choose to use the classified section.
The key is to be consistent. If you can’t afford to run a full page ad for 6 months then don’t do it. Run a less expensive ad like a quarter page ad or classified ad for the full duration of 6 months. Consistency is the key in marketing. Every magazine will have what’s called a rate card.
This is where you will find the cost to advertise in the magazine. Don’t pay the full amount shown on the rate card. You can always negotiate a better deal. For example, if the magazine is close to their deadline and need some more advertisements they will give you a better deal.
Your first consideration should be, “What should my ad look like?” This is a very important question because you want your ad to stand out from the crowd. The first step to reaching this goal is to write a very eye catching headline. Keep the ad fresh and lively by using action words and not using long winded sentences. This is where the KISS principle should apply.
Don’t lose sight of your ultimate goal which is to get them to your website. Buy some magazines and look through them to see what advertisements catch your eye. What did they do differently? What did their headline say? What was the layout like? You will learn more by seeing what successful advertisements look like than by reading about it.
Remember, your ad copy is the most important part. Think long and hard about what you are going to say, what words you are going to use to draw the reader into the piece.
Try writing different headlines and pick the one you like best. Here is a list of some very powerful and emotional words that you can use when writing your copy: Discover, Easy, Money, Fast, Proven, Secrets, Revealed, Power, and Save. Make sure that you request to have your advertisement show up on the right hand side. It has been proven that you will get a better response.
There are many magazines you could consider such as local publications. Finally, do your research and choose the one that best suits your needs. Magazine advertising is a great way to drive targeted traffic to your home business website.