After you’ve decided to create a home based business online you now have to turn your attention to designing and building your website. During this process there are many things to consider and sometimes it can be very easy to overlook some obvious mistakes. Here are the top 5 gaffes people make when designing their home pages:
1. Some people seem to be of the opinion when creating their site that more is better, however, in many cases the opposite is true. In this situation the KISS principle should be applied meaning, of course, “keep it simple stupid”; no offense intended. When laying out your home page don’t clutter it up with a lot of so called high tech gadgets which take up a lot of disk space and which makes your download time very slow in other people’s browsers.
As we all know from our own experience when trying to access other people’s web pages, when they take more than a few seconds to download we will usually exit the page and continue to browse somewhere else. This can translate into a death sentence for your home business even before you get it off the ground.
2. Be sure to get your message across to your potential customers. Usually people are visiting your website for a specific reason. Either they’re interested in a product you have available for sale or there’s a specific topic you’re discussing on your home page that they need more information about. So when you’re adding text to your site make sure you repeat your main theme or topic several times so people understand what your home business is all about.
3. Space your text and paragraphs evenly throughout your web page. Make it attractive to the eye and easy to read. People often make the mistake of trying to cram everything on the front page. This makes it very difficult for people to read and to find only the headings or sub-titles in which they may be interested.
Your visitor’s aren’t going to spend a lot of time looking for what they need so you must always keep the ease of use for your guest’s in mind during the design process. Remember, you can add as many pages as you want to your website with the links visible on your home page.
4. When you’re adding your website content don’t forget who you’re targeting. Another blunder people make is trying to satisfy everyone’s needs. This doesn’t work in our personal lives and nor does it work on the Internet. Your content should be related to the people you want to visit your home business.
For example, if your enterprise sells Internet marketing information products there’s no reason to add movies or music to the mix. You can always create another business related to tese media after this one becomes a success.
5. This is perhaps the most costly blunder people commit when creating their website and that is not having a compelling and attention getting headline or header on their home page. You only have a limited amount of time to grab your visitor’s attention in order to get them interested in staying and exploring your website, so a gripping headline is a must. If you make this mistake your website traffic and your sales will suffer making it very difficult to succeed with your home based business.
By paying careful attention to detail and always keeping in mind who you want to visit your home page you will greatly improve your odds of success and prosperity with your online home business.