No matter what you decide to do as a home based business owner online, and as an Internet marketer, you will undoubtedly encounter many different objections from your prospects regarding why they can’t purchase your product or service. From my experience there seems to be 5 that stand out as the most frequently used excuses or reasons why they won’t do business with you at this time.
Here are the 5 most frequently used explanations you’ll come across detailing why your prospects won’t buy your product and suggestions on how to overcome their excuses and convince them to purchase:
1. The number 1 reason you’ll most often hear is: “I can’t afford it.” People may say this for several reasons. They simply may not want to buy your product and are only saying this as a way out or, they mean what they’re saying and really believe at this point in time your merchandise is too expensive for their needs.
In this situation you need to prove to them the value they’re receiving for their investment. You have to show how you’re over delivering and how they’re actually getting a bargain for their money. This is where having bonuses added to your offer helps close the sale. You can also explain how they’ll have their money back in no time if they purchase your product and use it the way it should be used to improve their business.
2. The second most used excuse for not buying is: “I don’t believe your product can deliver as promised or can do what you claim it can do.” In this instance a demonstration showing the results your goods can produce may be enough to convince your prospect to buy. If this isn’t possible having satisfied customer testimonials to display on your website may avoid this challenge from the beginning.
Another way to resolve their doubts may be to provide an iron clad money back guarantee stating that if their dissatisfied in any way with their purchase and its performance they will receive a no questions asked refund upon request within the first 30 days.
3. A different approach to an objection from your potential customer may come in the form of a question asking why you’re qualified to promote and sell this product. You can avoid this doubt by outlining your experience and credentials early in the process so your prospect is comfortable from the outset in the knowledge that you’re an expert in your particular niche who is also respected online as an Internet marketer.
4. Some people wait until the last minute before asking: “What if I don’t like it after I buy it?” Once again this reservation can be circumvented from the start by outlining your no questions asked 30 day or 60 day money back guarantee in your sales letter or on your sales page. This promise places people in a certain comfort zone by giving them the feeling they have nothing to lose by buying your merchandise and giving it a try which may lead to a positive outcome via a sale.
5. Another popular reason people give to avoid investing in your home business is: “I don’t really need it at the moment.” When this rationale is raised you can explain that this is the best time to buy as the price will be going up soon because this is a special introductory offer. You can also instill a sense of urgency by explaining that supplies are limited and you may be sold out soon so they must act now.
These are 5 of the most common objections I’ve encountered in my experience as an online home business owner and in most cases these doubts can be avoided early in the sales process by addressing each one on your website before your prospect has a chance to raise them.