Flipping websites remains one of the fastest and easiest ways to make money online with a home based business. There are two techniques you can employ by using this business model and you can choose to do one or the other or you can attempt both strategies. The two methods are referred to as long term and shot term flips.
With the long term approach you create the website and add to its value over time by increasing its traffic as well as its page rank among the search engines and or by making money from selling niche products from the web page. These sites can sell at auction from 10 to 20 times the value of its monthly income depending on the type of web page being sold.
Short term flips on the other hand occur very quickly and the website’s present value is determined by its potential traffic and revenue, its brand ability and its cosmetic appeal.
You create simple web pages based on a particular hot niche, a specific membership topic, some type of script or software or an ad sense site and sell it on flippa or ebay or one of the other more popular sales sites on the Web.
You can ask for more money at auction by using these three strategies to add to the value of your web pages:
1. Try to get some targeted traffic to your home page even if you’re only considering a short term flip. By having some interested people visiting your site you’ll increase its value when compared to a web page that hasn’t been launched online and has no visibility whatsoever.
You can accomplish this rather cheaply by writing several articles and publishing them a couple of days apart on your home page over a period of a week to ten days so you’ll attract some organic visitors from Google and company.
2. A second way you can increase the value and appeal of your web page is to monetize it with affiliate products and Google ad sense ads. This will make it profit ready for the potential buyer and will cut down on the work they have to do to make it Internet ready.
3. You can also make your website unique in some way so it stands out from the typical web page online. By adding an attractive theme to catch a potential customer’s attention or by including valuable original content to attract the search engines attention you can increase your site’s value instantly.
This is especially important for short term flips when you aren’t able to highlight the amount of sales and or traffic you’re getting every month as you can when selling a site after a longer period of time.
If you need to make some fast cash online or if you have some time to invest in developing a website to make bigger bucks later on, flipping web pages can be a very lucrative way to make a name for you and your online home business when you’re just starting out on the Web.