Streamed live on 19 Nov 2015
Evan will be talking with Erik Harbison, the Chief Marketing Officer at AWeber to answer your questions about how to use email marketing to grow your business.
Erik is the Chief Marketing Officer at AWeber where he oversee’s AWeber’s overall marketing operations, vision and strategy. Specifically, the Business Development, Social Media, PR, Education and Content/Brand/Acquisition/Retention Marketing disciplines.
Erik has over twenty years of experience in the marketing and advertising space that include starting and selling a boutique agency, growing award-winning marketing teams and performance based campaigns. He also expresses his passion for marketing by serving as a guest instructor on courses around New Media Marketing at Drexel University and Strategic Advisor for the Philadelphia Interactive Marketing Association.
Erik has contributed and participated as a panelist, moderator and speaker at events such as iMedia Summit, eTail, Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise, Online Marketing Institute, The Competitive Summit. He has also contributed articles to, MediaPost and B2BOnline. His areas of expertise range from emerging marketing strategies and customer retention/loyalty to email marketing, social media and performance-based marketing recipes.