After creating your home business website, adding your content and developing your Internet marketing strategy you’ve decided to publish an electronic magazine also known on the web as an ezine. You’ve been told by more experienced online marketers that offering a free subscription to your ezine is a great way to build your email list.
So now you’ve published your first edition however subscribers are few and far between. Here are several techniques you can employ to entice your website visitors into signing up for your bi-weekly publication.
1. First of all you must provide a powerful motivating reason why they should subscribe. Outline the benefits for them without being too long winded. Present the advantages in a bullet point format with attention getting script which will draw them in and leave them wanting more information.
2. Offer your visitors a freebie or free gift for subscribing. However you must make it something which will offer value for them. For example, if you’re home business theme is Internet marketing give away an e-book on how to generate traffic online. This will be something they can derive some benefit from and should attract them to your ezine.
3. Provide excellent well organized content on your website. If people find your home page information of interest they are more likely to want more quality content via your magazine and will subscribe.
4. Submit your ezine to some of the major ezine directories on the web. The more exposure your publication receives the more attention it will garner from surfers online and the more targeted traffic you will receive on your home business site. If these people enjoyed your ezine they will probably be more inclined to subscribe through your website.
5. Advertise your ezine in newsgroups, in forums and on social media websites. This will attract extra traffic to your website resulting in more subscribers for your publication.
6. Create and publish a press release on the web. The more attention you can draw to your new online magazine the better and a well crafted news release can do just that and further increase your traffic and subscribers.
7. Pay to advertise in other ezines. This is a great way to gain exposure from people who already subscribe to ezines and as a result they may want to subscribe to yours as well.
These are just some of the more effective methods of attracting new members to your home business periodical and by employing some or all of these techniques your subscriber list should grow and continue to develop to your satisfaction.
When you’ve built your subscriber list to an acceptable level you now have to retain your members. You can do this by continuing to provide quality information presented in a professional manner while at the same time restricting your promotional mailings to a tolerable number. All of these strategies, when combined, should result in a large, targeted subscriber list which should provide a handsome income for your home business online for a long time to come.