The day before I shot this video I made $52 on this campaign
The day I shot this video, I made $260
The days after I shot this video, this campaign ended up making many hundreds more.
So basically, the optimizations I did in this video had a MASSIVE effect on my success with this particular vertical.
I like this one a lot, because it was shot as I was about to start scaling a campaign on Facebook advertising.
WARNING: This video may seem somewhat boring at first, but TRUST ME….what went on in this video made the difference of hundreds of dollars of income per day! Cool huh?
The great thing about affiliate marketing is that it is subtle, and not in-your-face like traditional sales is.
Either way, watch the video, learn from it, but understand that even if it doesnt seem like a lot is going on, if you understand what goes on in this video, it could be the difference between you picking up fast food for dinner, and having steak dinners every night 🙂