Everyone should know what back links are by know however understanding what deep links are may be a different story. Back links are connections from other websites back to your home page which are usually placed there via such strategies as article marketing. Deep links on the other hand are connections from other sites to other pages on your website other than your home page.
These associations may direct your visitor to a blog page, a product page or some other page other than your main page. These connections with other websites can be an incredibly effective aspect of your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy by improving your rank and by helping to drive more traffic to your home business site.
Here are 6 ways you can establish these deep links on other websites in order to bolster your search engine ranking which will lead to increased sales and profits for your enterprise:
1. When you leave a comment on someone else’s blog it may be more appropriate to link back to a related post or article on your blog rather than connecting to your home page. This can help with your blog statistics and when people check out the information you have posted they will inevitably click on a link to your product page or your home page.
2. Link exchanges are a tremendous strategy for getting more back links to your home page. However, when coordinating an exchange program with other webmasters ask them to link to another page on your site other than your home page thereby establishing deep links.
3. If you’re into article marketing rather than include links from all of your editorials back to your home page add some connections to sub pages on your website such as your “About Me” page or your “comments” section. This would also be a great way to get people to leave their impressions of your website and your content by deep linking back to your comments page.
4. Create a good linking system within your website itself. This makes it easy for your users to navigate by having connections from sub pages back to your blog, to your product page and to your home page. Including a site menu which connects to other pages which aren’t as high profile as your main page or your sales letter will also help your SEO stratagem.
5. Create a deep linking blitz or campaign by adding these deep connections to some of the back links in your autoresponder series that you mail out to your prospects and your current clients on a regular basis. For example, these connections could send these people from your product link to a page on your website containing a review of that particular product.
6. Finally, you can add deep linking to your forum strategy. When you visit these chat rooms or comment boards you can leave a link from your signature file to a related topic, on your website. You may have commented on a particular subject in the forum or you may have solved a problem for someone, so you could add a link back to a related topic on one of your website sub pages or on your blog.
An effective deep linking strategy in combination with your back linking campaign will eventually enhance your home business’s standing in the eyes of the major search engines online which will also help raise your profile within the Internet marketing community.