The use of multimedia is all the rage online these days with audio and video leading the charge. Many Internet marketers are utilizing audio and video marketing techniques to promote both their home business
and their products on the web. Podcasting has entered the fray and has become very popular as an Internet marketing strategy for a variety of reasons including the fact you don’t have to be a technological genius to create your own podcast.
First of all, for the uninitiated, what is a podcast? According to the Dictionary website a podcast is: “an audio file similar to a radio broadcast, which can be downloaded and listened to on a computer, mp3 player, mobile phone, etc.” In other words, a podcast is a new way for people with similar interests to communicate online. This new audio format has become a very effective Internet marketing strategy for webmasters and you can also create a very lucrative income stream from this medium.
If you’re a home business owner on the Internet and you want to create several income streams for your enterprise then you should seriously consider adding podcasting to your online business portfolio. Here are 5 ways you can profit from this Internet marketing technique:
1. First of all, the most obvious way to profit from your podcast is to sell advertising spots during your broadcast. You can approach both online and offline enterprises with your offer, however it helps a great deal to be established and well known with your broadcasts because the larger your audience the more dollars you can command from your sponsors. Be sure to approach businesses that are related to your podcast topic. For example, if your theme is Internet marketing, approach other marketers online who may want to promote their product on your show.
2. Utilize Google’s adsense on your website. By placing related advertisements from Google you may only cover the cost of your production but at least it’s another income stream which can grow into serious money over time.
3. Create agreements or business arrangements with your sponsors. For example, if you send new customers their way as a result of your broadcast ask them for a commission. If you make this arrangement with enough of your fellow entrepreneurs your income stream will grow as your sponsorship grows.
4. Offer discounts and special deals to attract advertisers. If your copywriter places an ad on your podcast provide a discount over and above your regular prices. Approach all of your sponsors and other business associates and explore how you can benefit one another through your broadcasts.
5. Not only sell advertising spots on your podcast but also sell space on your website. The more popular your broadcasts become the more traffic will arrive at your home page which will eventually result in higher fees for ad space on your site and more profits for your home business.
Podcasting is slowly but surely becoming a force to be reckoned with online and is a great way to supplement your home business income while at the same time drive traffic and increase sales of your other products on the web.