One of the most difficult challenges facing any home based business owner online is persuading people to become paying customers. However, once this feat is accomplished, perhaps the next most difficult task is retaining your new clients as loyal and devoted patrons, hopefully, for years to come.
Your current client base is the foundation of your online enterprise and your future success may depend on maintaining these people as devoted consumers of your products or services. Bearing this in mind, here are 5 methods you can use to hold on to your future repeat sales and profits:
1. Customer service should be the focal point of your efforts to preserve your customer base. Following up immediately after the initial purchase should be a priority to find out if there’s anything you can do and to ask if their product is performing as advertised. Nothing is more deflating to someone who has just paid their hard earned money for a piece of merchandise they’ve agonized over buying because of their financial situation than to discover it doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do.
And if this isn’t bad enough, when they try to call customer service to get some kind of resolution to their problem there’s no answer and when there is a response it falls short of their expectations. As an entrepreneur on the web, if you make a promise of performance and end results be sure to back it up by doing all you can to make your clients experience a positive and rewarding one.
2. Always address your clients by their name in any correspondence you initiate and when they visit your website greet them as a group by identifying their moniker. Have you ever received an email from an Internet marketer who you’ve requested information from or who you’ve done business with and your email greeting says: “Hello first name”?
My immediate reaction is to unsubscribe from any future email from this business and then to wonder why this person after making the effort to gain my trust didn’t take the time to make sure their autoresponder was setup correctly. By addressing people by their name you’re taking one of the steps necessary toward establishing a relationship with them. And relationship building is a necessary and a vital component for maintaining your current customer list.
3. Provide a “customers only” area on your website where your clients can take advantage of free offers and discounts as a show of appreciation for their business. You can email their user name and password to them immediately after their first purchase and make them feel special and welcome by directing them to this members only area where they will be privy to any special offers and announcements before anyone else online hears the news.
4. Make it very easy for your clients to contact you and your customer service team directly from your home page. When people are considering becoming paying customers they very often investigate a business’s track record with regard to customer service response time and ease of access to a representative.
Prominently display on each page of your website how your clients can reach the help they need at any time day or night. Display your 1-800 number for customer assistance along with an email address and fax number if needed. This information helps make your clients feel more secure in the decision they’ve made to invest in your business.
5. Establish an annual or semi-annual customer appreciation day on your home business website. Be sure to advertise this special event well in advance of the date and outline any special events and giveaways you have scheduled as a way of thanking your clients for their continued support.
Always remember, “a customer in the hand is worth two in the bush”, or is that a bird in the hand? Anyway, this adage can easily be related to Internet marketing and home business ownership on the web because if you treat your current clients the way they should be treated they’ll be worth more than double their weight in gold in the future.