Article writing is one of the most effective and most simple techniques for attracting tons of targeted traffic to your online home business website. Unfortunately most people shy away from this Internet marketing strategy because they don’t feel comfortable writing or they believe there’s too much work involved therefore taking too long to produce the necessary results.
If you know what you’re doing the latter couldn’t be farther from the truth. Here are 3 tips for getting your editorials read by your target audience and for getting Google and company to rank your work on page 1 for related searches.
1. First of all, your article title has to be intriguing in order to entice your audience to click on it and to encourage them to read more. An attractive headline is critical for increasing your readership and for attracting the attention of the major search engines online. This should help get your piece ranked on the first page of Google for related searches so you’ll receive the targeted traffic you want for your website.
Your title must contain your keywords and be phrased in such a manner that your visitor’s interest will be peaked making them want more. For example, my niche is home business opportunities online and Internet marketing; therefore an attractive title for an editorial would be: “Top 5 Home Business Money Makers Online Today.” This should persuade people who are interested in my niche to take the time to read the entire piece.
2. Your article length is very important and as a result it should be no longer than 400-450 words. This is long enough to get it published in the various article directories online and it doesn’t turn people off by being too lengthy. People value their time these days and if your editorial is 700 words or more it would take a longer time for them to read and this will usually encourage them to move on without reading it.
Also, you need to leave them wanting more, so if you write a long piece you may end up giving them all the information they need and they will have no reason to check out your resource box and your website.
3. Article marketing is a strategy that works best when you write a lot of articles. Therefore, volume is very important when it comes to attracting the targeted traffic you want to your home business website and eventually to your product offer. By creating 400-450 word editorials you will be able to produce more in a shorter period of time and, as a result, create more back links to your web page much more quickly.
Writing keyword rich articles is an Internet marketing strategy that’s too effective to ignore and if we construct a compelling headline followed by a 400 keyword rich editorial and post as many as we can online we’ll succeed with our targeted traffic generation campaign much sooner rather than later.