Many people begin their Internet marketing careers with the mistaken impression there’s some magic formula or some secret only the Gurus know about for making a fortune with the push of a button online. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately depending on your point of view, this isn’t the case and this fallacy couldn’t be farther from the truth.
It takes a lot of hard work and commitment to succeed with any endeavor on the Internet and you won’t achieve the kind of success many have enjoyed, and continue to benefit from, unless you approach your new home business with the proper mindset. Without the right attitude you will most likely struggle right from the start and eventually throw in the towel, frustrated and discouraged, believing it’s impossible to make a living online.
From the outset you must believe you’re going to succeed and achieve the lifestyle you’ve only dreamed about, to this point, no matter what obstacles may be placed in front of you along the way. You have to visualize success by picturing in your mind what a normal day for you would be like once you’ve achieved your goals. How often do you think Wayne Gretzky visualized scoring a Stanley Cup winning goal in overtime before it actually happened?
How many times did Mr. October, Reggie Jackson, picture himself hitting a World Series homerun before he actually set the record for doing so with the New York Yankees? Many star athletes will tell you that before an actual competition they will visualize the end result and see themselves as being victorious after having won their event or competition.
In order to accomplish your goals and make the income you desire you must work hard and see yourself as the person you want to be after having made it to the top. In my opinion, your mindset is your ability to follow your heart no matter whom or what tries to stand in your way.
You will always encounter nay Sayers along the way who only want to crush your dream and tell you it’s just not possible. The trick is to stay positive and to avoid these people as much as you can. The old adage misery loves company is alive and well unfortunately, and when these types of situations arise you must recogniZe them for what they are and move on.
In order for things in our lives to change we must change. In order for things to get better we must get better. Getting better may mean you have to stop procrastinating and start doing things when they need to be done. Or you may have to take action right now instead of studying and learning until there’s nothing left to read or digest. As the Nike commercial says: “Just do it” and you’ll soon see things begin to change for the better.
Another obstacle some people have to overcome before they can begin to realize their potential is fear of failure or lack of self confidence. Fear is only magnified doubt and of course when we’re beginning a new endeavor we’re all going to experience some degree of self-doubt. However, we mustn’t let it consume us to the point where we freeze and we aren’t capable of even trying to succeed.
All of us have failed at one time or another but there’s no reason to give up or quit when this happens. We have to learn from it and move on making sure we don’t make the same mistake twice. These feelings of doubt in our own abilities usually stem from some conflict within us.
This may come from a feeling that we don’t really believe we deserve to be successful or it may conflict with some other deeply held belief engrained from child hood such as a religious principle which goes against the notion of monetary gain and wealth. Whatever our conflicting beliefs are we must identify them and move on if we’re going to reach our goals.
In order to establish the correct mindset we must create a positive vision for ourselves by forgetting about our past mistakes and moving forward without worry, by focusing on all the positive results which lie ahead of us. We are the sum total of all of our thoughts therefore we must believe our success will happen mentally before it will actually happen physically.
This not only applies to becoming a success online with your home business and Internet marketing but we can relate these principles to any undertaking we may attempt in our lives and then welcome the resulting success with open arms.