When you’re just starting out online with a home based business, or any enterprise for that matter, the first thing you have to concentrate on is driving traffic to your website. You can never have enough or too many visitors to your home business because people drive sales and profits. There are many different Internet marketing techniques being employed online today to attract potential customers to many different web pages.
Needless to say, there’s a lot of competition for customers on the web so traffic generation is something every webmaster must have on the top of his or her to do list each and every day seven days a week. Here are ten very effective ways to increase the number of people who drop by your home business site on a daily basis.
1. When you’re designing your website do it with your customers in mind. Try to make it a place they will visit again and again because of the amazing content. Make it a valuable resource for your guests. A place where they can get their questions answered, a place where they can meet new people, a place where they can get free downloads, and a place where they can depend on finding fresh information on a regular basis. If you keep your potential customers happy and keep them interested in your offer then eventually they will convert into paying customers.
2. To attract people’s attention give away one of your products to get them to add their name and email address to your mailing list. This helps to build your list and when they use your high quality gift and get to know and trust you then they will be more willing to spend money on one of your more expensive offers. This is a great way to build brand recognition and create customer loyalty. Once you build that confidence in your client then you can promote other goods to them on a regular basis and begin the process of up selling.
3. Create an online audio or video training course and offer it on a weekly basis. For example if you’re main home business website topic is Internet marketing give free lessons on a weekly basis on driving targeted traffic to your home page. This is a great way to keep people coming back for more information and also an excellent technique for building your reputation as an authority figure online.
4. Run special promotions for your potential customers to create an incentive for them to become paying customers. Offer discounts of 25%-50% on all your merchandise or have a buy one get one free promotion. You can let your imagination run wild and approach this idea from several different angles in order to attract business.
5. Create a finder’s fee or referral program. For every customer who refers a friend or relative who in turn supplies their contact information including their email address present your client with a free gift or discount coupon for use on their next purchase. This is another great tactic for building your opt-in email list. Because as we all know “the money is in the list.”
6. Throughout your home business website provide clear and concise information about what problems your product will solve. Tell your visitors what it can do for them or what benefits they will receive by using your offer. Accomplish this by using attention getting headlines and colorful graphics to grab your guest’s attention. People want to know what they’re getting for their money.
7. To build your reputation on the web as a reputable home business owner provide excellent customer service. This creates positive word-of-mouth advertising for your business online in the many forums and chat rooms which also helps build traffic to your home page. When you do encounter a disgruntled customer do everything in your power to appease them. Offer discounts or coupons or free products, whatever it takes to make them happy again.
8. Be sure to stay on top of your daily Internet marketing techniques. Always check your search engine rankings and if you notice them dropping be sure to resubmit your website to the major search websites. Marketing your home business should be your number one priority and something you must do on a daily basis in order to succeed online.
9. Create a free ezine and invite your visitors to subscribe by offering a free gift as an incentive. This once again is an excellent list building technique which allows you to follow up with your potential customers on a regular basis with special offers and discounts to help persuade them to buy.
10. Another great way to build your email list and increase traffic is by adding a survey to your website and offering an incentive for participating such as a free gift or a coupon for a discount on their first purchase.
These are ten very effective Internet marketing techniques for driving traffic to your home business site and are also a great way to get your online career off to a fast start.
Well conceived, unique take on this subject.