Motivation is the key to success in any walk of life. No matter what you do for a living or no matter what you would like to do for a living if you aren’t motivated you will never succeed. This also applies to anyone starting a home based business online.
Starting any type of business whether it’s online or offline requires a lot of hard work and discipline. You may have been motivated to start your home enterprise by various factors in your life such as the need for more money to pay off bills, the dream of buying a home or the hope of retiring early. Whatever reason motivated you to get to this stage staying motivated will be the key to your success.
According to motivation is defined by “Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested in and committed to a job, role, or subject, and to exert persistent effort in attaining a goal.
Motivation is the energizer of behavior and mother of all action. It results from the interactions among conscious and unconscious factors such as the (1) intensity of desire or need, (2) incentive or reward value of the goal, and (3) expectations of the individual and of his or her significant others.”
From this definition we can extract several important points which when applied to your own desire for success will help keep you motivated toward achieving this goal. From my perspective the first key word we can focus on is goal. In order to be successful in any business endeavor you must set goals for yourself. You should set daily goals, monthly goals and annual goals. Not only should you have them imprinted on your psychic you should write them down on a regular basis.
Having goals is essential to staying motivated. If you want to make $100,000.00 this year with your home business be sure to remind yourself on a regular basis by writing it down. In order to reach your year end goal set up weekly and monthly monetary goals to help you reach your final target. Writing these amounts on paper and regularly reminding yourself of these targets will help you stay motivated to achieve your desired end result.
Other key words we can extract from the above definition are “external and internal factors”. Any one or several of these factors could be your main reason for wanting to stay motivated to succeed. Whether it’s an external need for money or a need to get that promotion or an internal need to feel good about yourself or a need for self satisfaction these needs and feelings can act as strong motivators to succeed and help you stay motivated until you get where you want to be in life.
In order to stay motivated we all need a good reason to succeed and it usually has to be related to something stronger than a monetary reward. May be your good reason stems from what you would like to do with the money you make. Maybe you would like to buy a house for your parents or send them on a nice vacation or perhaps you have a favorite charity you would like to support or a friend who is struggling financially you would like to help. Having a good reason and reminding yourself of it on a regular basis is a strong motivator to stay motivated.
Also don’t be afraid to give yourself a pat on the back every so often. Reward yourself for a job well done. When a certain goal has been accomplished give yourself a bonus such as a night out with your significant other. Look back at what you’ve achieved thus far and congratulate yourself.
In order to stay motivated and succeed you must enjoy what you’re doing. Try to have fun with your daily tasks and when some aspect of your daily duties becomes tedious or boring remind yourself of your goals and your reason for doing what you’re doing. Making these motivational techniques a daily habit will help you stay focused and motivated on the end result of succeeding with your home business.