Once you’ve created your home business website you now need products to sell and to help market your new online venture. A very hot selling information product on the web which you can create yourself is the eBook.
An eBook, (short for electronic book and also known as a digital book, ebook, and eBook) as defined by the Oxford Dictionary of English, is “an electronic version of a printed book which can be read on a personal computer or hand-held device designed specifically for this purpose”. eBooks are usually read on dedicated hardware devices known as eReaders or eBook devices. Personal computers and some cell phones can also be used to read eBooks.
To create an eBook the first thing you must do is decide on a topic. The subject must be something related to the theme of your home business website and should be something you’re interested in and enjoy. You don’t have to be an expert on the subject because there are many resources online you can research for information on your topic.
Once you choose your subject matter you must find out if there is a market out there waiting for your information. A great site where you can check the market availability for your product is nichebot.com.
All you need to do is type in keywords related to your subject and determine the number of search results. If you receive more than 25,000 queries then you have a market for your information. If the number of results is less than 20,000 you should try to come up with another theme.
When you have your subject and your target market in place you now need a title for your book. Your heading should be eye catching and attention getting. People aren’t going to check out something that doesn’t grab them or something they feel is boring. In order to make sales you first have to attract their interest and this is the first step.
Next is the research. The major search engines online are a great resource for tracking down the data you need. When you feel you have all the content you need it’s now time to break it down to particular subject areas or chapters. A great way to accomplish this is to create a content outline. You need to decide what information you want to start with in chapter one and then decide on the sequence of the remaining subject areas from chapter two onward and determine how many chapters you need.
When you have your content outline complete you now need to determine how long you’re going to spend writing each day and estimate how long it will take to complete your volume. Discipline is the key as you should try to write every day and motivate yourself to do so. Begin with chapter one, select a section and start writing. Try to write at least 3 or 4 pages every day.
Try to keep your paragraphs short and to the point without adding jargon or flowery language. Long paragraphs comprised of too much slang and big words tend to turn off the average reader. Three sentences per paragraph is a good rule of thumb for your book.
When you’ve finished writing your eBook your attention should now turn to editing for spelling and grammar. Also you should decide if it’s long enough or if you have enough content. If not this is the time to perhaps expound more on a particular subtopic or chapter or perhaps change your font size or increase white space to give the appearance of a longer volume.
Now all that’s left is to add a title page with your name and perhaps a picture of yourself so as to start the relationship building process with your potential customers and your new clients. You can also include an “About the Author” page including some pertinent information about yourself and your home business. Visitors who leave your website with the impression they now know you are more likely to return and become paying customers.
Convert your eBook into an appropriate file format for easy download from your home business site. Adobe Acrobat’s PDF format seems to be the most popular for eBooks online today and is available at adobe.com. Now that you’ve created your information product all you have to do is start driving targeted traffic to your home business site and begin enjoying your profitable online career.